
  • 1964

    • Proposal to AEC for 500 MeV Linac
  • 1966

    • Funding of 400 MeV Linac authorized (December 1966)
  • 1967

    • Middleton site acquired
    • Start of construction authorized by AEC-New York Operations Office (April 1967)
    • Begin: Building construction (September 1967). Beam switchyard design. Center-line waveguide design (to cope with beam
blowup problem demonstrated at SLAC)
    • Let: Contract for transmitters (Energy Systems, Inc.);Contract for accelerator RF peripherals (SLAC)
    • Make decision to limit experimental program to electron scattering
  • 1968

    • Let contract for accelerator waveguide (Varian)
    • Begin design details energy loss spectrometer, ELSSY
    • Begin design details and specify water, vacuum, electrical systems design
    • Pursue Litton switchtube difficulty and design change requirements
  • 1969

    • Building occupied. Begin utilities, vacuum, water systems installation
    • Complete injector design and initial testing – MIT campus
  • 1970

    • Accelerator waveguide construction completed and delivered to site; begin accelerator assembly
    • Prototype transmitter completed, delivered to site, assembled for acceptance testing
    • Let contract for energy loss spectrometer work
    • Demonstrated pre-injector pulsed beam performance (440 keV, 4000+ pps, > 50 milliamps peak, > 20 µsec)
  • 1971

    Transmitter prototype accepted

    Begin assembly balance of transmitters; begin installation of beam switchyard

    Let spectrometer hardware and power supply contracts (Lukens, Grumman, Bath Iron Works, Alpha)

    Demonstrate injector 7.5 MeV beam and 100 MeV accelerated beam

  • 1972

    • Complete assembly of full linear accelerator centerline; mechanical, electrical assembly of RF transmitters; implementation of basic control system
    • Complete basic beam transport system to straight-through 14° and Spectrometer Room beam ports
    • Spectrometer power supply delivered and assembled
    • Demonstrate 126 MeV accelerated beam (delta p/p = 0.2% for 80% of beam)
    • Formal establishment of User’s Organization (first Chairman, H. Crannell)
  • 1973

    • Demonstrate 1% RF 48 hour endurance operation (170 MeV, 3 transmitter operation)
    • Accelerator brought to 400 MeV capability in preparation for January 1974 demonstration
    • 14° beam line implemented and installed first phase gamma-pi experiment
    • Carried through horizontal assembly of energy loss high resolution spectrometer magnet and performed magnetic measurements
    • Installation underway of spectrometer peripherals, electrical, water, vacuum systems: spectrometer carriage, focal plane array, target chamber, remaining vacuum systems, etc., under construction
    • Dual PDP 11/45 computer data analysis system acquisition initiated
  • 1974

    • Brief, low duty ratio run of full accelerator, 5 transmitters, 406 MeV: ~ 1 µA beam current to 14° area
    • Vertical assembly of high resolution spectrometer completed
    • 100 hours of ~ 1 µA beam at 125 to 200 MeV energy delivered to first phase gamma-pi experiment
  • 1975

    • High resolution spectrometer operating in the “energy loss” mode achieved an unprecedented 1.1 x 10**-4 resolution
    • First 16O(gamma, p) data obtained
  • 1976

    • Development of vertical drift chambers for the electron spectrometer completed. The new system represented a major advance in the instrumentation of spectrometer focal plane systems
    • Construction completed on a fixed angle magnetic spectrometer in the 14° area for the study of the (gamma, pi±) reaction
  • 1977

    • 180° scattering facility installed and used for physics experiments
    • Expansion of laboratory facilities authorized
    • Fixed angle 250 MeV pi° detector for experiments in the 14° area
  • 1978

    • Large diameter beam dumping system installed at the high resolution electron scattering facility
  • 1979

    • South Hall and new buildings completed
    • Authorization received to construct a beam recirculator to increase maximum beam energy from 410 MeV to 750 MeV
    • Authorization received by Yale to design and build the polarized source for Bates
  • 1980

    • First electron beam put into the South Hall
  • 1981

    • Opening angle pi° spectrometer operational and taking data
  • 1982

    • Successful operation of the recirculator
    • Completion of construction of the One Hundred Inch Proton Spectrometer (OHIPS) and the Medium Energy Pion Spectrometer (MEPS)
    • First electron scattering and pion production experiments in the South Hall
    • Detailed design of BigBite spectrometer started
  • 1983

    • Fabrication and installation of sixth RF transmitter begun. Rework of modulators 2 through 5 begun. These projects will increase maximum energy to 1060 MeV
    • Extension of utility building begun
    • First (e,e’p) experiment
  • 1984

    • Polarized source moved from Yale to Bates for completion
    • TIRUS, a Bates-developed very high speed readout system, installed on MEPS
  • 1985

    • Completion of electron scattering experiments on tritium
    • Completion of construction of the BigBite spectrometer
  • 1986

    • Delivery of polarized electrons for experiments
    • High intensity pure photon beams available on Beam Line C
  • 1987

    • Deuteron tensor polarization experiment, 2H(e,e’d), with a high power liquid deuterium target
    • Initiation of advanced accelerator R&D for a pulse stretcher ring
  • 1988

    • Begin construction of the South Hall Stretcher Ring (SHR) with commissioning scheduled for 1992
    • Installation of the Moeller polarimeter on Beam Line B
    • Completion of the 12C Parity Violation Experiment
  • 1989

    • Begin construction of first generation out-of-plane magnetic spectrometer system
  • 1990

    • First measurements of quasi-elastic spin response: 3He(e,e’)
    • First measurement using out-of-plane spectrometer system to obtain longitudinal-transverse interference response functions
    • Record high energy for an experiment (903 MeV), record high momentum transfer (42/fm**2), record low cross-section measurement (5 x 10**-40 cm**2/sr/MeV) for deuterium electrodisintegration at threshold
  • 1991

    • First measurement of fifth response function (C12 + deuteron), using polarized electrons and the out-of-plane spectrometer
    • Measurement of neutron charge form factor, via spin transfer to the neutron, using the neutron polarimeter
  • 1992

    • Beam successfully injected into the new Injection Line and transported through the West Straight Section of the SHR
  • 1993

    • Beam stored in SHR on first day of storage commissioning. Operation with full-turn injection of 40 µA (design maximum) demonstrated
    • Focal-plane proton polarimeter installed in OHIPS
    • Energy compression system commissioned; factor of ten easily obtained
  • 1994

    • Demonstrated resonant extraction from SHR
    • Began major upgrade program for linac and recirculator
  • 1995

    • SAMPLE experiment takes first data
  • 1996

    • BLAST funding approved
  • 1997

    • BLAST construction begins
    • Measurement of 3He magnetic form-factor to high momentum transfer
    • Ring commissioning demonstrates 5 minute lifetime of 60 mA stored current at 750 MeV
    • High intensity and quality SAMPLE beam developed
  • 1998

    • Measurement of n -> Delta transition with OOPS in both pi° and pi+ channels
    • SAMPLE data taking on Hydrogen
    • First stored Beam in SHR on Internal target
  • 1999

    • Over 200 mA in South Hall Ring
    • SAMPLE data taking on Deuterium
  • 2000

    • Completion and commissioning of OOPS spectrometer
    • VCS experiment: uses high duty factor beam and full OOPS spectrometer
    • SAMPLE results published in Science
    • OOPS running with extracted unpolarized CW beam, energies from 570 to 670 MeV, currents up to 10 μA, extraction efficiency 80 to 94%
    • 60 kV test setup for preparation and certification of polarized electron guns
    • Compton Polarimeter installed in SHR; back-scattered photons detected
    • Beam energy of 1 GeV achieved, with 14 mA peak current
  • 2001

    • OOPS running with extracted polarized CW beam, energy 950 MeV, current 10 μA, extraction efficiency 90%, duty factor 65%
    • Stored polarized beam in the SHR using Siberian Snake; 670 MeV, 50 mA, 30 minute lifetime
    • First observation of stored polarized electron beam spin flip using a prototype RF dipole
    • Fiber-coupled diode laser installed in polarized source
  • 2002

    • Completion of SAMPLE running at 125 MeV on deuterium
    • Completion of OOPS running
    • BLAST assembly and magnetic field mapping
    • Strained GaAs photocathode and diode laser used to produce highly polarized electron beam (>60%), stored in SHR; 850 MeV, 100 mA, 40 minute lifetime
    • 98% efficient spin flip achieved using a second RF dipole
  • 2003

    • Installation of BLAST neutron detectors
    • BLAST commissioning, with beam quality monitors used to optimize beam tune
    • Compton Polarimeter commissioned for operation with beam currents above 200 mA
    • Atomic Beam Source installed; first polarized internal target in the SHR
  • 2004

    • BLAST deuterium and hydrogen running. High target vector polarizations (>80%) achieved with installation of a collimator upstream of the target cell
    • Low-momentum compaction lattice used in SHR to reduce bunch length to 3.6 ps
  • 2005

    • BLAST data taking optimized with a second-level trigger and front-end buffering
    • Wire chamber and coincidence rates used to further improve beam tune. Beam lifetimes of 25 minutes with target gas achieved routinely
    • BLAST deuterium running completed
    • Coherent synchrotron radiation in SHR detected near 100 GHz
    • MIT takes ownership of the Bates facility
